24 June 2015

A Spot of Stitching and Madness in theF lower Bed!

Over the last few days, I have been doing a spot of hand stitched embroidery. I'm not very good at it because I get a bit impatient but I wanted to make a new cushion for my sewing chair and it seemed like the perfect time to practice my stitches. I had seen a "make do and mend" picture a couple of years back that I really liked and that I thought would look nice with the newly discovered Laura Ashley patchwork pieces that I found in the airing cupboard a week ago. I love them, they are at least 20 years old, very gorgeous and exactly the right colours. Anyway, I used my dissolvable fabric to print out the picture so I could then sew it onto a piece of heavy-ish linen. 

I did have a couple of a problems with the stitching through the dissolvable fabric. Firstly, it seems to make the needle quite sticky which tended to make it slightly difficult to push through the fabric and secondly, because I had printed out the picture I wanted to stitch in colour and I had used the same colour floss as the picture for the stitches, it made it difficult to see where I had stitched and where I had missed. I had a totally blonde/senior moment after I rinsed the linen in cold water to get the dissolvable fabric to dissolve when he final "O" on the "make it do" bit of the stitching was missing. For one barking mad second, I actually thought I had dissolved the stitching along with the fabric until I realised I hadn't actually stitched the letter in the first place ...... DOH!!! :-)

Do you remember back in May when I sprinkled wild flower seeds all over one of my newly-cleared flower beds. You can see the post HERE. Well, It has gone from a bare patch of earth full of nothing at all that looked like this ...... 

To this, where there were a few little flower shoots but where the weeds were easily recognisable and could simply be pulled out.

To this

 A patch of earth that is completely full of who-on-earth-knows-what!!!!!

I know that some of them are flowers and some are weeds and I have pulled up the things I know for certain are weeds but I don't want to pull anything else out because I don't want to pull out any flowers. I'm guessing that I will just have to simply leave them alone until they either produce flowers or I can recognise them definitively as weeds. 

Oh well, I'm all for a spot of lazy, see-what-happens type gardening :-)


  1. What fun waiting to see what materializes. I bet it will look beautiful weeds (if any) and all !

    1. I don't mine a few weeds, I like the natural look. I'm a bit of a lazy gardener so it's probably a good thing that I like things to look a bit wild :-)

  2. Even 'weeds' are usually wild flowers ;-), good look though with the project and I hope that it spreads to other parts of your garden

    1. Thanks John, I'm hoping that some of the flowers self seed :-) I love the natural wild look in my garden.

  3. I like that effect, too. At present I have a random Nasturtium with bright orange flowers growing with and through a lovely pink Rose; buttercups threading their way through my front garden borders and Foxgloves accompanying Roses, Delphiniums and Geraniums. Who cares? They are very pretty, I reckon.
