Hi. I'm still here. I know it's been a while but things have been pretty hectic down here in sunny Cornwall. I think the easiest way to tell you how busy things have been is to show you. This will be a photo-heavy post so grab a coffee and maybe a biscuit or two and make yourself comfy.
Ok soooooo, the poly tunnel is now finished. Not only is it finished but it's full of stuff.
If you want to see more pictures of the stuff we are up to, then pop on over to Instagram and have a peep.
The button is at the top of the page or you can click the link HERE
The grow-your-own-pizza bed challenge :-)
Those pictures were taken a couple of months ago, this is what the poly tunnel looks like now, it's gone totally MAD!
The really huge plants in the middle are sweetcorn plants!
Those pictures were taken a couple of months ago, this is what the poly tunnel looks like now, it's gone totally MAD!
The really huge plants in the middle are sweetcorn plants!
The front garden has gone from being a bare patch of not-very-nice grass to a productive area with raised beds and a nice circular lawn.
There is still a way to go, including digging a wildlife pond, but we are slowly getting there.
and loads of veg ...... and of course loads of bunting 😀
We also have some new additions to the family. They're super cute and totally fabulous to watch, in fact I could watch them all day if only I had the time lol.
We have already started harvesting our veg.
And we have even started building a new house for the chickens, which hopefully, will be rat-proof! We are having huge rat issues yet again so we finally but the bullet and have started to construct a new home for them with foundations and everything. Fingers crossed that it works.
If you want to see more pictures of the stuff we are up to, then pop on over to Instagram and have a peep.
The button is at the top of the page or you can click the link HERE